Hero Gradient

Rewind of the chain to block 694,858 has been a success!



Successful Chain Rewind to Block 694,858

Thanks to everyone’s dedication and quick actions, the rewind of the chain to block 694,858 has been a success! The new chain has reached the same hash rate as before and is still increasing.

Next Steps

Here are some critical next steps to ensure a smooth transition:

  1. Node Updates:

    • All MWC network nodes, including exchanges, mining pools, etc., are expected to update their nodes to the latest 4.3.0 version and switch to using the new chain. Miners should not mine on the old chain (for nodes running a version lower than 4.3.0) anymore. Download the latest version here.
    • Important for Exchanges: After upgrading, the old chain data will NOT be kept. To retain old chain data for the purpose of cleaning up transactions, you need to backup your old chain data together with your old binary (chain_data and wallet_data respectively).
  2. Avoid Transactions:

    • Before the new chain height catches up to the inflated chain height, it is strongly advised to NOT make deposit/withdrawal/trading or any transactions. Continue to HODL! We will make an announcement once the new chain height surpasses the old (inflated) chain height.
    • If you previously received “inflated” coins, they will vanish on the new chain as if they never existed. Exchanges and mining pools may have their own strategies to handle their users' account balances.
    • Avoid using any MWC Wallet (including mwc-wallet, mwc-qt-wallet, mwc-713, etc.) until we announce that the new chain has passed the old chain height.

Wallet Balances

Current wallets will show incorrect balances for the next 7 days or so. Please avoid using them. New wallets will be released soon.

We appreciate your patience and will continue to keep you updated on progress.

For more detailed information, visit our forum post.

— The MWC Team