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Mimblewimble Non-Interactive Transactions Review

Mimblewimble Non-Interactive Transactions Review

Assess the mathematical viability and security of Non-Interactive Transactions (“NIT”) for Mimblewimble (“MW”) technology

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Release of a new GUI Wallet version (1.2.7)

Release of a new GUI Wallet version (1.2.7)

We are happy to announce the release of a new GUI wallet version (1.2.7) featuring atomic swaps for ETH and ERC-20 tokens (USDT, USDC, BUSD, BNB, LINK, TRX, TUSD, UDSP, WBTC)

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Announcing GUI Wallet 1.0.0 for Android Mobiles!

Announcing GUI Wallet 1.0.0 for Android Mobiles!

Android powers more than 2.5 billion active devices, this marks the next step in the evolution of Self Sovereignty!

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All News

Thoughts on the MWC Initial Supply

Thoughts on the MWC Initial Supply

Exploring the Creation and Distribution of MWC Supply

Is There Market Demand For Fungibility and Privacy?

Is There Market Demand For Fungibility and Privacy?

Bitcoin's Privacy Limitations and the Market Potential for Mimblewimble-Based Alternatives

Part 3 of 4: Mimblewimble/MWC - Fungibility

Part 3 of 4: Mimblewimble/MWC - Fungibility

Understanding the Role of Fungibility in Mimblewimble and MWC

Part 2 of 4: Mimblewimble / MWC - Privacy

Part 2 of 4: Mimblewimble / MWC - Privacy

Examining the Privacy Enhancements of Mimblewimble and MWC

Part 1 of 4: Mimblewimble / MWC - Scalability

Part 1 of 4: Mimblewimble / MWC - Scalability

Exploring the Scalability, Privacy, and Fungibility Enhancements of Mimblewimble with MWC

Release of a new GUI Wallet version (1.2.3)

Release of a new GUI Wallet version (1.2.3)

We are happy to announce the release of a new GUI Wallet version (1.2.3) that enables Atomic Swaps for DOGE, LTC, ZEC, and DASH

Critical Bug Report - Interim Status update

Critical Bug Report - Interim Status update

Status Update on critical bug: Successful Chain Rewind and Next Steps

Rewind of the chain to block 694,858 has been a success!

Rewind of the chain to block 694,858 has been a success!

All MWC network nodes, including exchanges and mining pools, should update to version 4.3.0 and switch to the new chain.

Critical Bug Report

Critical Bug Report

Critical Bug in MWC's Rangeproof Caching Logic Necessitates Network Halt and Blockchain Rewind