Proof of Payment in MWC

Chris Dev

April 26, 2019

Wanted to write a quick article to mention a video that I published earlier today:

This video demonstrates proof of payment on the MWC testnet. One of the issues that grin has had is that since there are no public addresses or amounts, it is not possible to just look at a block explorer and verify a payment. There is, however a way to prove payment, but it involves providing a proof. This functionality will be built into the GUI wallet we provide. BISQ has had problems with grin transactions being disputed and making this functionality standard in the MWC wallet should alleviate the problem in MWC. The wallet we used is a fork of the Wallet713 wall for grin and will be the backend we use for our GUI wallet which is an electrum fork. So, command-line will not be necessary and the user interface should be very intuitive in our wallet.